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  • ISBN:9787517043218
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:124
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787517043218 ; 978-7-5170-4321-8


王东霞、张肖肖主编的《光伏专业英语(新能源 课程群高等职业教育十三五规划教材)》选用近年来 国外太阳能光伏专业教材和专业刊物中的30篇文章, 涵盖了太阳辐射、半导体材料、光伏组件制造、光伏 发电系统概述、光伏发电系统应用及其他可再生能源 等内容。所选文章题材多样,内容新颖,图文并茂, 学科前沿知识丰富,融知识性和趣味性于一体。在每 篇文章后面附有词汇表和关键句解析,方便学生理解 和教师查阅。 《光伏专业英语》既可作为高职高专太阳能光伏 技术与应用相关专业的教材,也可作为光伏企业的培 训教材,同时可供太阳能光伏相关行业从业人员参考 ,在一定程度上也可以作为简明的光伏专业词汇手册 供读者查阅使用。


《光伏专业英语》选用近年来国外太阳能光伏专业教材和专业刊物中的30篇文章,涵盖了太阳辐射、半导体材料、光伏组件制造、光伏发电系统概述、光伏发电系统应用及其他可再生能源等内容。所选文章题材多样,内容新颖,图文并茂,学科前 沿知识丰富,融知识性和趣味性于一体。在每篇文章后面附有词汇表和关键句解析,方便学生理解和教师查阅。《光伏专业英语》既可作为高职高专太阳能光伏技术与应用相关专业的教材,也可作为光伏企业的培训教材,同时可供太阳能光伏相关行业从业人员参考,在一定程度上也可以作为简明的光伏专业词汇手册供读者查阅使用。


前言chapter 1 introduction to photovoltaic 1.l photovoltaic new words and expressions notes 1.2 development of photovoltaic in china new words and expressions notes 1.3 status of photovoltaic in china new words and expressions notes 1.4 the future of photovoltaic new words and expressions notes reading material new words and expressions noteschapter 2 photovoltaic solar cells 2.1 story of solar cells new words and expressions notes 2.2 silicon solar cells 2.2.1 monocrystalline silicon 2.2.2 multicrystalline silicon 2.2.3 silicon ribbon 2.2.4 amorphous silicon 2.2.5 microcrystalline silicon 2.2.6 hit solar cell 2.2.7 other thin film silicon concepts new words and expressions notes 2.3 dye sensitised and organic solar cells new words and expressions notes 2.4 solar cells based on the use oflli-v compounds 2.4.1 single junction iii-v materials and devices 2.4.2 iii-v multijunction devices 2.4.3 thermophotovoltaic devices 2.4.4 quantum well cells and other device concepts new words and expressions notes 2.5 solar cells based on the use ofpolycrystalline thin film compound semiconductors 2.5.1 solar cells based on the use of cdte .. 2.5.2 solar cells based on the use of the chalcopyrite compounds new words and expressions notes 2.6 applications of solar cells new words and expressions notes reading material new words and expressions noteschapter 3 solar cell modules 3.1 a brief history of silicon photovoltaic modules for the first 50 years new words and expressions notes 3.2 assessment of the reliability and degradation of photovoltaic module performance parameters new words and expressions notes 3.3 how to assess the photovoltaic module performance new words and expressions notes reading material new words and expressions noteschapter 4 photovoltaic (pv) system 4.1 stand-alone photovoltaic system new words and expressions notes 4.2 grid-connected photovoltaic power system new words and expressions notes 4.3 hybrid photovoltaic system new words and expressions notes reading material new words and expressions notes

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