  • ISBN:9787301271292
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:228
  • 出版时间:2016-06-01
  • 条形码:9787301271292 ; 978-7-301-27129-2


本教材编写中把以美国历史文化发展为线索,展现美国各段历史进程中的国家概况,既训练语言技能,也丰富相关知识。涉及了系统的历史内容,帮助读者了解美国各段历史时期的重大事件,系统介绍美国历史文化发展背景。本次改版对难度有所调整,并增加教师资源包,以适应不同层次学生的需要。根据阅读材料的时效性进行增删。改版中增加“互联网 ”因素, 通过二维码呈现网络资源,增强文化类教材的特色。




unit 1 the age of exploration / text a early exploration and settlements / text b columbus’s discovery of america / text c the legacy of the puritans / text d the thanksgiving story / unit 2 the colonial america / text a the original 13 colonies / text b colonial life of the early settlers / text c slavery in colonial america / unit 3 the road to independence / text a the war of independence / text b the american revolution / text c causes of the american revolution / unit 4 the young republic / text a the creation of a national government / text b benjamin franklin / text c the essence of the constitution / unit 5 the westward movement / text a the frontier of the american west / text b the donner party / text c louisiana purchase / unit 6 the civil war / text a causes of the civil war / text b the gettysburg address / text c eye witness accounts of the assassination / unit 7 reconstruction (1865—1877) / text a reconstruction after the civil war / text b education after the civil war / text c a shattered fairy tale / unit 8 the gilded age (1877—1917) / text a the gilded age / text b industrialization / text c the gilded age society / unit 9 america in world war i (1914—1918) / text a the u.s.a. and world war i / text b wilson’s declaration of neutrality / text c u.s. entry into world war i / unit 10 the roaring twenties / text a the roaring twenties / text b mass entertainment in the 1920s / text c the lost generation / unit 11 the great depression / text a the great depression in america / text b iowa in the 1920s and the 1930s / text c franklin d. roosevelt / unit 12 america in world war ii / text a world war ii / text b the origins of world war ii / text c american domestic situation during world war ⅱ/ unit 13 postwar american society / text a american society in the 1950s / text b the postwar economy: 1945—1960 / text c desegregation / unit 14 america in transition / text a america in the 1960s / text b america in the 1970s / text c the cuban missile crisis / unit 15 toward a new century / text a america entering a new century / text b the gulf war / text c no ordinary day / appendixesappendix 1 states, their entry into union & their settlement / appendix 2 presidents & vice presidents of the u.s. / appendix 3 u.s. history timeline / 重点参考书目和网站/


常俊跃,大连外国语大学英语学院院长。主持并完成国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”,主持并正在进行国家社会科学基金项目立项“内容依托教学理论指导下英语专业整体课程体系的改革与实践研究”。 负责的专业2010年获国家级特色专业建设点。

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