  • ISBN:9787544652988
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:243页
  • 出版时间:2018-05-01
  • 条形码:9787544652988 ; 978-7-5446-5298-8


《泛读教程》的特征体现在“泛”与“读”两个方面。就“泛”而言,教材选用语言素材题材广泛,内容呈百科知识性,涉及英语国家的社会、政治、经济、文化、文学、历史、宗教、体育、环保、风土人情、科普知识等各个领域。同时,语言素材的文体呈多样性,精选记叙、说明、议论、新闻、广告、小说、诗歌、戏剧等语言风格不同的各类语篇。就“读”而言,《泛读教程》提供全面系统的阅读训练,指导学生掌握细读、略读、寻读等方法,学会快速、准确地获取并处理信息,并通过各种练习,培养假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力。学生学了这套教材,可以提高英语的阅读理解能力和阅读速度,增强英语语感,扩大词汇量,增加英语国家文化背景知识。 《泛读教程》全套四册。每册十五单元,按阅读方法编为三到四组。每一单元分三个部分。


Reading Skill: Finding the Main Idea Unit 1 Generation Text I: The Law vs. the Piano Text II: Bricklayer's Boy Unit 2 Music Text I: A History of Music in America Text II: Listening to Music Unit 3 Climate Text I: More Voices Needed in Climate Debate Text II: Types of Climate Unit 4 Work Text I: Why People Work Text II: Who Makes It to the Top? Reading Skill: Recognizing the Pattern of Details Unit 5 The African-Americans Text I: How Barack Obama Became the First African American President of the US: The Untold Story Text II: The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in Literature Unit 6 Greek Stories Text I: Orpheus and Eurydice Text II: The Return of Odysseus Unit 7 Attitude Towards Life Text I:The Simple Wisdom in Having the Right Attitude Text II: Dare Mighty Things Unit 8 First Aid Text I: First Aid Text II: How to Deal with Common Emergencies Reading Skill: Outlining Unit 9 Creativity Text I: Where Do Those Bright Ideas Come from? Text II: How to Get a Great Idea? Unit 10 Travel Text I: What Are the Different Types of Tourism Text II: Tourism Unit 11 Examinations Text I: Types of Examinations Text II: Cheating: Alive and Flourishing Unit 12 Intellectual Property Text I: Copyright Text II: The Apple Versus Samsung Patent Showdown Explained Unit 13 War Text I: The Changing Nature of War Text II: How Did World War II Start? Unit 14 Housing Text I: Show Me the Way to Go Home Text II: Mobile Homes Unit 15 Drama Text: A Question of Ethics

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