

1星价 ¥18.6 (5.3折)
2星价¥18.6 定价¥35.0
  • ISBN:9787302527565
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:142
  • 出版时间:2019-06-01
  • 条形码:9787302527565 ; 978-7-302-52756-5




《会计英语》是一本为会计英语教学而编写的专业基础教材,内容以基础会计理论、财务会计为主,介绍了资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用、利润的会计处理,同时兼顾财务报表及审计的主要内容。该书共有11章,每章由开篇案例、正文、单词注释、拓展阅读、课后练习等组成。通过对《会计英语》的学习,读者可以掌握会计学基本理论、基本方法的英语表达方式,对拓展会计专业英文词汇、提高运用英语处理会计业务的能力、阅读会计专业英文文献等大有助益。教材内容充实完整,英文习题丰富齐全,在阐述财务与会计理论和实务方法时,既重视基本理论的深度与广度,又强调具体实务的实际操作方法的运用。选用典型的实例,思路清晰,便于理解。 教材基本素材选自英语原版教材,但表述形式力求符合中国人的思维习惯、价值观念与文化特征,深入浅出、通俗易懂,以适应不同层面学生的学习。《会计英语》可作为高等院校本科和高职高专会计、审计、财务管理等专业的会计英语课程教材,也可作为广大财会从业人员学习会计英语的专业书籍。 《会计英语》提供配套课件和习题答案,下载地址为http://www.tupwk.com.cn/downpage。



Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Accounting 1
Spotlight 2
Text 2
1.1 Forms of Enterprise Organization 2
1.2 Two Kinds of Accounting 3
1.3 Accounting Concepts and Principles 4
1.4 Elements of the Financial Statements 5
1.5 The Accounting Equation 6
1.6 Accrual Basis and Cash Basis 6
Core Words 7
Extended Reading 7
Exercises 9

Chapter 2 Transaction 13
Spotlight 14
Text 14
2.1 Transaction 14
2.2 Accounting Elements 15
2.3 Journal Entry 17
2.4 Accrual Accounting 18
2.5 Posting 20
2.6 Trail Balance 22
2.7 Close the Books 23
Core Words 25
Extended Reading 27
Exercises 27
Chapter 3 Receivables 31
Spotlight 32
Text 32
3.1 Variety of Receivables 32
3.2 Account for Uncollectible Account 33
3.3 Measurement of Uncollectible Account 34
3.4 Notes Receivable 35
Core Words 37
Extended Reading 37
Exercises 38
Chapter 4 Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold 41
Spotlight 42
Text 42
4.1 Classifications of Inventory 42
4.2 Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold 42
4.3 Gross Profit 43
4.4 Accounting for Inventory 43
4.5 The Various Inventory Costing Method 44
4.6 Summary of Inventory 46
4.7 Lower-of-Cost-or-Market Rule (LCM) 47
Core Words 47
Extended Reading 48
Exercises 49
Chapter 5 Investment 53
Spotlight 54
Text 55
5.1 Short-term Investments and Long-term Investments 55
5.2 Account for Trading Investment 55
5.3 Account for Available-for-sale Investment 57
Core Words 59
Extended Reading 60
Exercises 61
Chapter 6 Tangible Assets and Intangibles Assets 63
Spotlight 64
Text 65
6.1 Long-lived Assets 65
6.2 Acquisition Cost of Tangible Assets 65
6.3 Capital Expenditures and Expense Spending 66
6.4 Account for Depreciation on Plant Asset 66
6.5 Depreciation Method 67
6.6 Intangible Assets 69
Core Words 72
Extended Reading 73
Exercises 73
Chapter 7 Liabilities 77
Spotlight 78
Text 79
7.1 Current Liabilities 79
7.2 Long-term Liabilities 82
7.3 Other Liabilities 87
Core Words 88
Extended Reading 89
Exercises 90
Chapter 8 Stockholders’ Equity 95
Spotlight 96
Text 97
8.1 Background on Stockholders’ Equity 97
8.2 Classes of Stock 99
8.3 Issuing Stock 100
8.4 Cash Dividends 101
8.5 Stock dividends 101
Core Words 103
Extended Reading 104
Exercises 106
Chapter 9 Revenues and Expenses 109
Spotlight 110
Text 111
9.1 Accrual Basis and Cash Basis 111
9.2 Measurement of Sales Revenue 111
9.3 Merchandise Returns and Allowances 112
9.4 Cash and Trade Discounts 113
9.5 Expenses 114
Core Words 116
Extended Reading 116
Exercises 117
Chapter 10 Financial Statement 121
Spotlight 122
Text 122
10.1 Overview of a Financial Statement 122
10.2 Formats for Financial Statements 123
Core Words 128
Extended Reading 128
Exercises 129
Chapter 11 Auditing 131
Spotlight 132
Text 133
11.1 Audit Framework 133
11.2 Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct 135
11.3 Standards of Reporting 137
Core Words 139
Extended Reading 140
Exercises 141



景刚, 博士在读, 副教授,在佳木斯大学任教,主要从事财务会计、财务管理教学工作。主要研究领域:公司治理与企业价值。著有《成本会计》、《内部控制》等专业教材,并在省级及省级以上刊物发表学术论文2多篇,主持及参与省部级课题十余项。

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