  • ISBN:9787302296485
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:251
  • 出版时间:2020-08-17
  • 条形码:9787302296485 ; 978-7-302-29648-5


《工程力学专业英语》选编了工程力学专业涉及的科技英文文章,包括理论力学、材料力学、弹性力学、结构力学、振动力学、塑性力学、实验力学、计算力学、疲劳与断裂、复合材料力学和流体力学等内容,并注意纳入相应课程的新概念,覆盖面广。该书还分单元介绍了英文科技报告、学位论文、期刊论文写作技巧和英汉科技文章的翻译技巧,旨在培养学生科技论文写作和翻译的基本技能。各单元课文正文适用于教师精讲,**篇阅读材料适用于本科生自学,或在教师指导下学习,第二篇阅读材料内容相对较深,主要适用于研究生学习参考。此外,每篇文章后面均列出了生词和短语,附录中列出了常用专业词汇和短语,便于读者查阅。 《工程力学专业英语》无论是在内容选材还是在内容编写上均具有特色,是一本适用于工程力学专业和力学类专业本科生的实用教材,也可供土木、机械、材料等相关工科专业的本科生、研究生及相关工程技术人员学习参考。


Unit One Some Basic Concepts of Mechanics Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: INTRODUCTION(1) Reading Material(1): Kinetic Energy and Work Reading Material(2): The Lagrangian Method Unit Two The Flexure Formula of Beams Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: INTRODUCTION(2) Reading Material(1): Metals in Mechanical and Structural Design Reading Material(2): Stability of Column Unit Three What is Continuum Mechanics Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: INTRODUCTION(3) Reading Material(1): Stress Reading Material( 2): Solid Mechanics Unit Four Hooke s Law Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: METHOD and MATERIALS Reading Material(1): Basic Equations of Elastic Homogeneous and Isotropic Bodies Reading Material( 2): Stress Waves in Solids Unit Five Statically Indeterminate Structure Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: RESULTS and DISCUSSION Reading Material(1): Basic Structural Elements Reading Material(2): General Theory of Plane Trusses Unit Six Free Vibrations : One Degree of Freedom Writing Skill of Experimental Research Report: ABSTRACT Reading Material(1): Forced Harmonic Vibration Reading Material(2): Response to Arbitrary, Step, and Pulse Excitations Unit Seven Description of Elastoplastic Material Response under Uniaxial Case 科技英语翻译技巧:科技文章的特点 Reading Material(1;): Yield Criteria of Metals Reading Material(2): Some Plasticity and Viscoplasticity Constitutive Theories Unit Eight Experimental Stress Analysis 科技英语翻译技巧:词义引申和词量增减 Reading Material(1): Strain Gage System Reading Material(2): Perspectives in Experimental Solid Mechanics Unit Nine Direct Formulation of Finite Element Characteristics 科技英语翻译技巧:词性的转换和句子成分转换 Reading Material(1): Variational Principle Reading Material(2): Generalization of the Finite Element Concepts UnitTen FatigueofMaterials 科技英语翻译技巧:常见多功能词的译法 Reading Material(1): Linear Fracture Mechanics Reading Material( 2): Fracture Mechanics Unit Eleven Basic Terminology of Laminated Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials 科技英语翻译技巧:数词的译法和被动语态的译法 Reading Material(1): Macromechanical Behavior of a Lamina Reading Material(2): Shape Memory Alloy and Smart Hybrid Composites Advanced Materials for the 21st Century Unit Twelve Fluid Mechanics 科技英语翻译技巧: 定语从句及同位语从句的译法 Reading Material(1): Constitutive Equations of Fluids Reading Material(2): Finite Difference Method Unit Thirteen Rock Mechanics 科技英语翻译技巧:状语从句的译法 Reading Material(1): Special Stress-Strain States of Rock Reading Material(2): Soil Mechanics Unit Fourteen Structural Optimization 科技英语翻译技巧:长句的译法 Reading Material(1): Research Directions in Computational Mechanics Reading Material(2): New Directions in Mechanics 附录:常用专业词汇和用语汇总表

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