  • ISBN:9787302219071
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:暂无
  • 出版时间:2022-10-14
  • 条形码:9787302219071 ; 978-7-302-21907-1


本书是根据普通高等学校应用型特色规划教材编写计划,按照教 育 部应用型人才培养的教学要求编写的。本书分为英文和中文两部分,英文部分作为主体,系统地阐述了国际结算的产生与发展,国际结算方式和结算工具,国际结算中的单据以及贸易融资等方面内容,并尽可能吸收了此领域内*新的研究成果和研究动态。中文部分作为英文部分有益、必要的补充,将本教材内容前后贯通,并进行综合分析和辅以案例说明,增加了教材的可读性和实用性,满足了读者学习的要求,强化了读者学习的效果。 相对于其他的国际结算教材,本书更加注重对学生的实践操作和综合分析能力的培养。通过各章节的案例分析、实战操练等内容的训练,加强对学生分析问题和解决问题的能力的培养,通过知识拓展、知识迁移等内容的学习,加强学生综合运用知识解决问题的能力,从而突出了培养应用型人才和复合型人才的双重特色。本书具有覆盖面广、适用性强、内容新颖、案例丰富等特点。 本书可作为应用型本科院校的国际贸易、金融专业学生的教材,也可作为国际贸易、国际金融领域内从业人员的参考用书。


目 录
Chapter 1 International Settlement
under Globalization 1
1.1 International Trade and Settlement 1
1.1.1 International Trade 1
1.1.2 International Settlement 1
1.2 International Settlement in New Era 2
1.2.1 Computerization on Clearing 2
1.2.2 Innovation on Products 3
1.2.3 Enhancement on Financial
Means 3
1.2.4 Combination of International
Settlement and Lending 3
1.3 Types of International Methods 4
1.4 International Customs and Practices 4
发展 5
知识拓展:国际结算的分类 6
知识迁移:人民币贸易结算 7
实战操练 10
习题 10
Chapter 2 International Clearing
Systems and SWIFT 13
2.1 US Dollar Clearing Systems 13
2.1.1 US Dollar Fund Transfer Payment Methods 14
2.1.2 Comparison and Fund Transfer Processing 18
2.2 Selection of Optimal Payment
Method 19
2.2.1 To Pay Parties Located outside
the United States 20
2.2.2 To Pay Parties Located in
the United States 20
2.3 EUR Clearing Systems 21
2.3.1 Euro 21
2.3.2 Two Key Clearing Systems:
TARGET and Euro 1 22
2.4 Japanese Yen Clearing Systems 24
2.5 HKD Clearing System 26
2.6 SWIFT — A Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication 27
2.6.1 SWIFT Address/BIC
Standard 28
2.6.2 SWIFT Authentication Key 28
2.6.3 SWIFT Message Types 28
百科小知识:支付清算系统 29
基本要素 31
知识迁移:我国的支付清算系统 32
实战操练 35
习题 36
Chapter 3 Correspondent Banking 39
3.1 Correspondent Relationship 39
3.1.1 Sense of Correspondent 39
3.1.2 Organization Structure of
Correspondent in Foreign
Banks 40
3.2 Establishment of Correspondent
Relationship 41
3.3 Selection of Correspondent
Accounts 43
3.3.1 Current Accounts 43
3.3.2 Investment Accounts and
Combined Accounts 44
3.3.3 Collection Service Accounts 45
3.4 Establishment of Credit Line for
Correspondent 46
3.4.1 Risk Assessment and
Management 46
3.4.2 The Procedure for Credit Line 49
3.4.3 Utilization of Credit Line 49
3.5 Information Collection and Policy
Making 51
3.6 Correspondent Files Management 52
3.7 Production and Services Promotion 52
3.8 Development and Cultivation of
Correspondent 53
百科小知识:代理行知多少 54
知识拓展:为什么要建立代理行 55
其他银行机构 57
实战操练 58
习题 60
Chapter 4 Instruments 62
4.1 Overview of Negotiable Instruments 62
4.1.1 Characteristics 62
4.1.2 Transfer 62
4.2 Negotiable Instruments 63
4.2.1 Bills of Exchange 63
4.2.2 Promissory Notes and
Banker’s Drafts 64
4.2.3 Checks and Traveller’s
Checks 66
4.3 Credit Cards 68
百科小知识:票据知多少 68
知识拓展:票据功能知多少 70
知识迁移:你了解票据风险吗 71
实战操练 74
习题 77
Chapter 5 Means of International
Settlement —Remittance 80
5.1 Definition 80
5.2 Means of Remittance 80
5.2.1 Mail Transfer(M/T) 80
5.2.2 Demand Drafts (D/D) 82
5.2.3 Telegraphic Transfer
(T/T) 83
5.2.4 Credit Cards 84
5.2.5 Traveller’s Checks 84
5.2.6 E-banking and Web 85
5.3 Payment Transaction by T/T 85
5.3.1 Cover Payment Method 85
5.3.2 Key Points of Using Cover
Method 86
5.3.3 Serial Payment Method 88
5.3.4 Key Points of Using Serial
Method 89
5.3.5 Comparison between Cover and
Serial Payment Methods 90
5.4 Guideline to Interbank
Compensation 90
5.4.1 Natures of the Rules 90
5.4.2 Applications on the Rules 91
5.4.3 Operation on Claim 91
5.4.4 Cases on Compensation Claims
and Related Errors 92
各类机构 93
知识拓展:国际汇款的具体应用 95
与防范 99
实战操练 100
习题 106
Chapter 6 Means of International
Settlement —Collection 108
6.1 Definition 108
6.2 Parties and Workflow to a
Collection 108
6.3 Documentary Collection 110
6.4 Uniform Rules for Collections
(URC) 112
6.4.1 Collection Instructions 112
6.4.2 Legal Position of Banks 114
6.5 Risk Control in the Documentary
Collection 119
百科小知识:托收及其相关规则 124
关系 126
风险 128
实战操练 129
习题 135
Chapter 7 Means of International
Settlement — Letter of
Credit 138
7.1 Introduction of Letter of Credit 138
7.1.1 Definition and Workflow 138
7.1.2 Contractual Arrangement under
the Credit 138
7.1.3 Principles and Characteristics of
the Credit 140
7.1.4 Roles of Credit 140
7.2 Rights and Liabilities of Parties 143
7.2.1 Applicants(Importers) 143
7.2.2 Issuing Banks 144
7.2.3 Beneficiaries(Exporters) 145
7.2.4 Advising Banks 146
7.2.5 Confirming Banks 147
7.2.6 Negotiating Banks 149
7.2.7 Paying Banks 150
7.2.8 Accepting Banks 151
7.3 Operation on the Letter of
Credit 151
7.3.1 Issuing a Letter of Credit 151
7.3.2 Utilizing the Credit 155
规则的产生和发展 159
知识拓展:信用证种类知多少 162
风险 166
实战操练 167
习题 172
Chapter 8 Guarantees and Standby
Letters of Credit 175
8.1 Bank Guarantees 175
8.1.1 Definition 175
8.1.2 Characteristics 175
8.1.3 Usage 176
8.2 Types of Bank Guarantee 177
8.2.1 Tender Guarantees or
Bid Bonds 177
8.2.2 Performance Bonds/
Guarantees 178
8.2.3 Advance Payment
Bonds/Guarantees 179
8.2.4 Retention Money Guarantees 180
8.3 Standby Letters of Credit 181
8.3.1 What Is Standby L/C 181
8.3.2 Rapid Development for
Standby L/C 182
8.3.3 Structure of Standby L/C 182
8.3.4 Advantages of Using Standby
L/C 183
百科小知识:备用信用证知多少 184
保函的比较 186
知识迁移:备用信用证的风险 187
实战操练 188
习题 191
Chapter 9 Documents Handled in
International Settlement 193
9.1 Presentation of Documents 193
9.1.1 Latest Date of
Presentation 193
9.1.2 Credit with Dual Mature
Dates 195
9.1.3 Extension of Expiry Date 195
9.1.4 Risks after Documents
Presentation 196
9.2 Examination of Documents 197
9.2.1 Key Points for Documents
Examination 197
9.2.2 Discrepancies Handling by
Negotiating Bank 198
9.3 Forwarding of Documents 199
9.4 Documents to Be Made 200
9.4.1 Drafts 200
9.4.2 Commercial Invoices 201
9.4.3 Transportation Documents 201
9.4.4 Insurance Documents 206
9.4.5 Inspection Certificates 206
9.4.6 Certificates of Origin 207
9.4.7 Packing Lists 207
9.4.8 Additional Terms and
Conditions 207
百科小知识:单据的含义及种类 208
知识拓展:单据的作用 210
及要求 210
实战操练 212
习题 225
Chapter 10 International Trade
Finance 227
10.1 Credit Line Granted by Banks 227
10.1.1 Credit Line Management 228
10.1.2 Scope and Utilization of
Credit Line 229
10.2 Facilities on Import Finance 229
10.2.1 Letter of Credit Issuance 229
10.2.2 Imported Bill Purchased 231
10.2.3 Trust Receipt (T/R) 236
10.2.4 Shipping Guarantee 236
10.2.5 Receivables and Warehouse
Bill as Pledge 237
10.3 Facilities on Export Finance 238
10.3.1 Anticipatory Credit 239
10.3.2 Packing Loan 245
10.3.3 Export Bill Purchased 249 10.3.4 Bill Discounted 250
10.3.5 Factoring 251
10.3.6 Forfaiting 258
生与发展 270
信用证及托收的比较 274
知识迁移:贸易融资风险及防范 275
实战操练 277
习题 278
Keys 281
参考文献 293

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