

1星价 ¥7.8 (4.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787560067834
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:114
  • 出版时间:2007-07-01
  • 条形码:9787560067834 ; 978-7-5600-6783-4




Grammar terms
Module 1
 Question forms: Word order
  Question words
  Subject and object questions
 Present Simple:
  Short answers
 Frequency: Adverbs
 Vocabulary booster: sports
 Vocabulary: Phrases with go and play
 Pronunciation: The lal sound
 Improve your writing: Punctuation
Module 2
 Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs
  Negatives and affirmatives
  did, was or were in questions and answers
 Time phrases often used in the past: ago
  in, at, on
 Vocabulary: Words to describe feelings
 Listen and read
 Spelling: -ed endings
 Pronunciation: -ed endings
 Linkers: but, so, because, then
Module 3
 can I can''t
 have to I don''t have to
 can I can''t I have to I don''t have to
 should I shouldn''t
 Short answers with modal verbs can, should, have to
 Vocabulary booster: things in a school
 Vocabulary: Word building
 Pronunciation: How to pronounce the letter ''a''
 Improve your writing: Writing a paragraph
 Spelling: Finding mistakes
Module 4
 Present Continuous
 Present Simple or Present Continuous?
  State and action verbs
 Present Continuous for future arrangements
 Vocabulary booster: special occasions
 Vocabulary: Things people do on special occasions
 Listen and read
 Improve your writing: A letter of invitation
 Spelling: -ing forms
Module 5
 Comparatives and superlatives: Comparative forms
  Superlative forms
 Prepositions in comparative phrases:
  as, than, from, like, in, to
 Describing what people look like:
  Questions about appearance
  is or has got?
 Vocabulary: Describing appearances
 Vocabulary booster: parts of the face and body
 Improve your writing: Writing a description
  Different ways of pronouncing the letter ''o
 Spelling: Double letters
Module 6
 Intentions and wishes: going to and planning to
  going to, planning to, would like to, would prefer to
 Predictions: will and won''t
  Short answers with will, won''t and going to
 Pronunciation:.''ll. will and won''t
 Vocabulary: Holidays
 Listen and read
 Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
 Improve your writing: More postcards
 Spelling: Words with -ed and -ing
Module 7
 Present Perfect: Positive, negative and question forms
  Present Perfect and Past Simple with for
  Present Perfect: short answers
  Present Perfect with just, yet, already and never
  Present Perfect and Past Simple with time phrases
  been or gone
  Present Perfect and Past Simple
  Past Participles Wordsearch
 Vocabulary: Ambitions and dreams
 Pronunciation: The sounds/a~/and/A/
 Improve your writing: A mini-biography
Module 8
 Articles: Zero for general statements
  For general and specific statements
  With geographical features
  Phrases with the: location
  Phrases with the: time
  Other phrases with and without the
 Vocabulary: Geographical features
 Vocabulary booster: things you find in cities
 Spelling: Plural nouns
 Listen and read
 Improve your writing: Formal letters and informal notes
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Module 16
Answer Key
Pronunciation table


Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Module 16
Answer key
Pronunciation table

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