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  • ISBN:9787220101762
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:3册
  • 出版时间:2017-08-01
  • 条形码:9787220101762 ; 978-7-220-10176-2


适读人群 :英文原著爱好者,文学爱好者
  ★小说生动再现了美国佐治亚州在内战及重建时期的情形,传神地刻画出在传统社会崩溃瓦解时,人们如何应付这场社会巨变的艰辛过程。 作者玛格丽特一生中唯yi一本著作,在世界文学史上占据重要位置。


美国南北战争摧毁了佐治亚乃至整个南方的经济, 黑奴重新获得自由, 昔日奴隶主养尊处优的好时光随风而逝, 飘得远远的。为了生存, 他们必须放下臭架子, 努力奋斗, 不然只有死路一条, 连亚兰大上流社会的中坚分子也不得不降贵屈尊, 卖糕饼的卖糕饼, 赶马车的赶马车。生动再现了美国佐治亚州在内战时期、重建时期的情形, 传神地刻画出在传统社会崩溃瓦解时, 人们如何应付这场社会巨变的艰辛过程。小说《飘》在战争的背景下, 道出了战争对人类心灵的影响。


She sank gratefully into a chair, her back, which always ached these days, feeling as though it would break in two at the waist line. Oh, how fortunate Scarlett was to have Captain Butler just outside her door while the baby was being born! If only she had had Ashley with her that dreadful day Beau came she would not have suffered half so much. If only that small girl behind those closed doors were hers and not Scarlett’s! ‘Oh, how wicked I am,’ she thought guiltily. ‘I am coveting her baby and Scarlett has been so good to me. Forgive me, Lord. I wouldn’t really want Scarlett’s baby but—but I would so like a baby of my own!’
She pushed a small cushion behind her aching back and thought hungrily of a daughter of her own. But Dr. Meade had never changed his opinion on that subject. And though she was quite willing to risk her life for another child, Ashley would not hear of it. A daughter. How Ashley would love a daughter!
A daughter! Mercy! She sat up in alarm. ‘I never told Captain Butler it was a girl! And of course he was expecting a boy. Oh, how dreadful!’
Melanie knew that to a woman a child of either sex was equally welcome, but to a man, and especially such a self willed man as Captain Butler, a girl would be a blow, a reflection upon his manhood. Oh, how thankful she was that God had permitted her only child to be a boy! She knew that, had she been the wife of the fearsome Captain Butler, she would have thankfully died in childbirth rather than present him with a daughter as his first born.
But Mammy, waddling grinning from the room, set her mind at ease—and at the same time made her wonder just what kind of a man Captain Butler really was.


玛格丽特 米切尔,美国现代著名女作家。曾获文学博士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》记者。1937年因长篇小说《飘》获得普利策奖。1939年获纽约南方协会金质奖章。1949年在车祸中罹难。其作品《飘》足以奠定她在世界文学史中不可动摇的地位。

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