

1星价 ¥17.7 (3.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787512137233
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:215
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787512137233 ; 978-7-5121-3723-3


1.“大家”执笔,结构清晰,内容丰富,言简意赅。 2.案例精彩,分析精辟。 3.资料齐全,免费赠送,值得拥有。


Probability and Statistics is a mathematical discipline which studies stochastic phenomena. Now it is widely used in industry, economics, science and technologies. This course is one of the important basic courses for engineering majors in comprehensive universities. The textbook will include the general conceptions and methods about probability and statistics. The main topics are as the following. Basic probability concepts; Random experiment; Sample spaces; Rules of probability; Counting techniques; Conditional probability; Independence. Discrete and continuous random variables. Sampling methods, Descriptive Statistics, Sampling distributions, The Student-t distribution, F-distribution and Chi-Square distribution, Point estimation. Confidence intervals. Testing hypotheses. Statistical software like Excel and/or Matlab will be used.


Chapter 1 Probability and Its Properties
1.1 Basic Probability Concepts
1.2 Axioms and Properties of Probability
1.2.1 Axioms Definition of Probability
1.2.2 Properties of Probability
1.3 Classical Probability and Counting Techniques
1.3.1 Counting Principles
1.3.2 Classical Probability
1.4 Conditional Probability, Independence of Two and Several Events
1.4.1 Conditional Probability
1.4.2 Independence
1.5 Law of Total Probability and Bayes' Theorem

Chapter 2 Random Variables and Their Distributions
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Distribution of a Random Variable and Distribution Function
2.3 Classical Discrete Random Variables and Continuous Random Variables
2.3.1 Discrete Distribution
2.3.2 Continuous Distribution
2.4 Distribution of Functions of a Random Variable

Chapter 3 Random Vectors and Their Distributions
3.1 Jointly Distributed Random Variables
3.2 Marginal Distribution and Conditional Distribution of Two Random Variables
3.3 Independent Random Variables
3.4 Distribution of Functions of Two Random Variables

Chapter 4 Expectations and Moments
4.1 Mathematical Expectation and Its Properties
4.1.1 Mathematical Expectation
4.1.2 Properties of the Expectation
4.2 Variance and Its Properties
4.2.1 Definition of the Variance
4.2.2 Properties of the Variance
4.3 Expectations and Variances of Special Probability Distributions
4.3.1 Case for Common Discrete Random Variables
4.3.2 Case for Common Continuous Random Variables
4.4 Moments
4.4.1 Covariance and Correlation Coefficients
4.4.2 Moments

Chapter 5 The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem
5.1 The Law of Large Numbers and Its Applications
5.1.1 Chebyshev's Inequality
5.1.2 The Law of Large Numbers
5.2 The Central Limit Theorem and Its Applications

Chapter 6 Basic Conceptions of Statistics
6.1 Basic Conceptions of Sampling
6.2 Descriptive Statistics
6.2.1 Summarizing Data-Numerical Methods
6.2.2 Summarizing Data-Graphical Methods
6.3 Fundamental Sampling Distributions
6.3.1 The Chi-squared Distribution
6.3.2 The t-Distribution
6.3.3 The F-Distribution
6.4 Sampling Distribution Theorems

Chapter 7 Parameter Estimation
Chapter 8 Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 9 Understanding Monte Carlo Method and Statistics Software

Appendix A Tables




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