国际营销:理论与案例:theories and cases

包邮国际营销:理论与案例:theories and cases

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  • ISBN:9787568417419
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:201页
  • 出版时间:2022-11-01
  • 条形码:9787568417419 ; 978-7-5684-1741-9


This book consists of eight chapters : the first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the concept of marketing and its evolution, main contents, driving factors and constraints of international marketing; the second chapter is the international marketing environment, which mainly describes the cultural environment, economic environment, political and legal environment, natural environment and other aspects, and compares market environment differences among countries; the third chapter is international marketing research, which mainly introduces the main contents, methods, data acquisition and analysis of international marketing research; the fourth chapter is the entry strategy of international marketing, which mainly describes the standard, selection and positioning of international market division and the choice of entry strategy; the fifth chapter is the product strategy of international marketing, which mainly describes the characteristics of international products, market expansion, brand building and service supply; the sixth chapter is the channel strategy of international marketing, mainly a bout the innovation of international market channel, network construction, logistics system, etc; the seventh chapter is the promotion strategy of international marketing, mainly about the integrated marketing communication, advertising and public relations strategy; the eighth chapter is the price strategy of international marketing, which mainly describes the influencing factors of pricing, pricing methods and the change trends of international product prices. He Dan in chief of this textbook, puts forward the overall idea and design, and is responsible for the unified and final draft of the whole book; Wu Qinqin, Shi Junguo, Chen Yang, Yang Jialiang, Yuan Shichao, Wan Ting, Chen Zhiwei and Yang Jie participated in the discussion and cross review of the overall framework of the book and assisted in completing the unified draft and finalization. The writing division of each chapter is as follows : He Dan and Chen Zhiwei compile the first and second chapters; Wu Qinqin and Yang Jie compile the third and fourth chapters; Chen Yang and Yuan Shichao compile the fifth and sixth chapters; Yang Jialiang and Wan Ting compile the seventh and eighth Chapters.


Chapter 1 Introduction of International Marketing
1.1 Concepts of International Marketing
1.1.1 Definition of Marketing and International Marketing
1.1.2 Differences between Marketing and International Marketing
1.1.3 Basic Tasks of International Marketing
1.2 Evolution of International Marketing
1.2.1 Development Pattern of International Marketing
1.2.2 Evolution of International Marketing Concept
1.3 Driving Force and Obstacles of International Marketing
1.3.1 Driving Force
1.3.2 Obstacles
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Chapter 2 International Marketing Environment
2.1 Cultural Environment in International Marketing
2.1.1 Meaning and Characteristics of Culture
2.1.2 Elements of Culture
2.1.3 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory
2.1.4 Cross Cultural Problems and Solutions
2.2 Economic Environment in International Marketing
2.2.1 Environment Analysis of International Marketing
2.2.2 Regional Economic Integration and Economic Globalization
2.3 Political and Legal Environment in International Marketing
2.3.1 International Political Environment
2.3.2 International Legal Environment
2.4 Natural Environment in International Marketing
2.4.1 Geographical Location
2.4.2 Climatic Characteristics
2.4.3 Natural Resources
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Chapter 3 International Marketing Research
3.1 Basic Concepts and Contents of International Marketing Research
3.1.1 Concepts of International Marketing Research
3.1.2 Significance of International Marketing Research
3.1.3 Contents of International Marketing Research
3.1.4 Types of International Marketing Research
3.1.5 Procedures of International Marketing Research
3.2 Methods of International Marketing Research
3.2.1 Original Data Research
3.2.2 Secondary Data Survey
3.2.3 Internet Research
3.3 Data Acquisition of International Marketing Research
3.3.1 Attitude Measurement
3.3.2 Sampling Survey
3.3.3 Major Issues Facing International Marketing Research
3.4 Data Analysis of International Marketing Research
3.4.1 Data Processing Procedures and Data Adjustment
3.4.2 Commonly Used Data Processing Methods
3.4.3 Foreign Market Demand Estimation
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Chapter 4 Strategies for Entering International Markets
4.1 International Market Segmentation
4.1.1 Definition and Principle of International Market Segmentation
4.1.2 Significance of International Market Segmentation
4.1.3 International Market Segmentation Standards
4.2 International Target Market Selection and Positioning
4.2.1 Criteria for Evaluating International Target Markets
4.2.2 Selection of International Target Market
4.2.3 International Market Positioning
4.3 Strategic Choices of International Marketing
4.3.1 Strategic Objectives of International Marketing
4.3.2 Choice of Competitive Strategy in International Marketing
4.3.3 Selection of National Market Strategies
4.3.4 Choice of International Target Marketing Entry Strategy
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Chapter 5 Product Strategy of International Marketing
5.1 Overview of Products in International Market
5.1.1 Meaning of the Product
5.1.2 Overall Product Concept
5.1.3 Geographical Concept of International Products
5.1.4 Origin Effect of International Products
5.1.5 Life Cycle of International Products
5.1.6 Design Principles of International Products
5.2 Product Strategy in International Market
5.2.1 Expansion Strategy of International Marketing Products
5.2.2 International Marketing Brand Strategy
5.2.3 New Product Development Strategy in International Market
5.3 Overview of Service Product Strat

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