  • ISBN:9787122447296
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:359
  • 出版时间:2024-11-01
  • 条形码:9787122447296 ; 978-7-122-44729-6


《Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry》可共十七章,其中介绍了无机化学的基本知识,如物质结构、分散体系、化学反应速率、化学平衡、非金属元素和金属元素等;化学分析的四大滴定法及其相关理论和应用,如酸碱滴定法、重量分析法、沉淀滴定法、配位滴定法和氧化还原滴定法等。 《Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry》可作为应用型本科院校化学、应用化学、化工、轻工、材料、生物、医药、环境、地质、农林等专业的教材及考研参考书,也可供相关专业的科技人员与分析测试工作者使用,也可作为自学者的阅读参考。


Chapter1 Dispersion system 11.1 Solution 21.1.1 Amount-of-substances and its units 21.1.2 Concentration of amount-of-substance 31.1.3 Amount-of-substance fraction 31.1.4 Molality 31.1.5 Mass fraction 41.2 General properties of dilute solution 41.2.1 Colligative properties 41.2.2 The vapour pressure of the solution decreases 41.2.3 Boiling point rise of solution 61.2.4 The freezing point of the solution decreases 71.2.5 Osmotic pressure of solution 91.3 Electrolyte solution 11Chapter1 Dispersion system 11.1 Solution 21.1.1 Amount-of-substances and its units 21.1.2 Concentration of amount-of-substance 31.1.3 Amount-of-substance fraction 31.1.4 Molality 31.1.5 Mass fraction 41.2 General properties of dilute solution 41.2.1 Colligative properties 41.2.2 The vapour pressure of the solution decreases 41.2.3 Boiling point rise of solution 61.2.4 The freezing point of the solution decreases 71.2.5 Osmotic pressure of solution 91.3 Electrolyte solution 111.3.1 Electrolyte solution 111.3.2 Dissociation degree 111.3.3 Deviation of electrolyte colligative property 121.3.4 Introduction of strong electrolyte solution theory 121.3.5 Activity, activity coefficient and ionic strength 131.4 Colloidal solution 141.4.1 Dispersion degree and specific surface 141.4.2 Surface energy 151.4.3 Adsorption of gases by solids 151.4.4 Adsorption of solids in solution 161.4.5 Properties of sol 181.4.6 Causes of charged sol particles 211.4.7 Micelle structure 211.4.8 Stability and condensation of sol 221.4.9 Comparison of polymer solution and sol 24Exercises 25 Chapter2 Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics 272.1 Basic Concepts 272.1.1 System and environment 272.1.2 State and state function 272.1.3 Process and path 282.1.4 Heat and work 282.1.5 Internal energy 282.2 Thermal effect of chemical reaction 292.2.1 The first law of thermodynamics 292.2.2 Concepts of reaction heat at constant volume, reaction heat at constant pressure and enthalpy 292.2.3 Thermochemical equation 312.2.4 Hess’s Law 312.2.5 Formation enthalpy 332.3 Entropy and entropy increase principle 342.3.1 Spontaneity of chemical reactions 342.3.2 Entropy 352.3.3 Standard molar entropy 362.4 Gibbs function and chemical reaction direction 382.4.1 Gibbs function 382.4.2 Standard generated Gibbs function 392.4.3 Relationship between ΔG and temperature 40Exercises 41 Chapter3 Chemical reaction rate and chemical equilibrium 433.1 Chemical reaction rate 433.1.1 Reaction rate 433.1.2 Mass action law and rate equation 463.1.3 Rate theory of chemical reaction 513.2 Catalyst 543.2.1 Definition of catalyst 543.2.2 Principle and method of catalysis 543.3 Reversible reaction and chemical equilibrium 563.3.1 Reversible reaction 563.3.2 Equilibrium constant 573.3.3 Relationship between standard equilibrium constant and Gibbs free energy 593.3.4 Multiple equilibrium rules 623.3.5 The movement of chemical equilibrium 63Exercises 65 Chapter4 The Structure of the Chemical Substance 694.1 Quantum mechanical models of atom 694.1.1 Wave-particle duality of microscopic particles 694.1.2 Heisenberg uncertainty relationship 704.1.3 Wave functions and atomic orbitals 714.1.4 Electron cloud and radial distribution 724.2 Motion state of extranuclear electrons 744.2.1 Four quantum numbers 744.2.2 Electron arrangement outside the nucleus 764.3 Electron layer of atoms and periodic table of elements 824.3.1 Electron layer structure and period 824.3.2 Periodicity of element properties 834.4 Covalent bond 864.4.1 Valence bond theory 874.4.2 Hybrid orbital theory 924.5 Intermolecular forces and hydrogen bonds 974.6 Crystal structure 1014.6.1 Crystal characteristics 1014.6.2 Types of crystals 102Exercises 105 Chapter5 Chemical analysis 1085.1 Overview of Analytical Chemistry 1085.1.1 Tasks and functions of Analytical Chemistry 1085.1.2 Classification of analytical methods 1095.1.3 General steps of quantitative analysis 1115.2 Errors in quantitative analysis 1155.2.1 Sources and classification of errors 1165.2.2 Expression of error 1175.2.3 Methods to improve the accuracy of analysis results 1225.2.4 Data processing of analysis results 1235.3 Significant figures and operation rules 1295.3.1 Significant figures 1295.3.2 Rounding off of significant figures 1305.3.3 Operation rules of significant numbers 1305.4 Titration analysis 1325.4.1 Overview of titration analysis 1325.4.2 Classification of titration analysis 1325.4.3 Conditions and methods of titration reaction 1335.4.4 Standard solution and reference material 1345.4.5 Calculation in titration analysis 136Exercises 138 Chapter6 Acid-base reaction balance and acid-base titration 1416.1 Acid base proton theory 1416.1.1 Definition of acid base 1416.1.2 The conjugate relationship of acid and alkali and the common appearance of acid base pair 1426.1.3 Essence of acid-base reaction 1436.1.4 Proton self-transfer of water and pH value of solution 1456.2 Acid base balance 1466.2.1 Treatment method of acid-base balance in solution 1466.2.2 Dissociation equilibrium of weak acid and weak base in solution 1486.2.3 Same ion effect and salt effect 1496.3 Calculation of concentration in acid-base balance 1506.3.1 Calculation of pH value of acid-base solution 1506.3.2 Distribution of acid-base components in aqueous solution 1576.4 Acid base buffer solution 1616.4.1 Buffering principle 1626.4.2 Calculation of pH value of buffer solution 1626.4.3 Buffer capacity and buffer range 1636.4.4 Preparation of buffer solution 1646.5 Acid base indicator 1656.5.1 Discoloration principle of acid base indicator 1656.5.2 Discoloration range of acid-base indicator 1666.5.3 Main factors affecting the range of acid-base indicator 1686.5.4 Mixed indicators 1696.6 Basic principle of acid base titration 1706.6.1 Mutual titration of strong acid and strong base 1716.6.2 Titration of single weak acid (base) with strong base (acid) 1746.6.3 Titration of polybasic acids and bases 1786.7 Application of acid base titration 1826.7.1 Preparation and calibration of acid base standard solution 1826.7.2 Application examples 184Exercises 187 Chapter7 Precipitation dissolution equilibrium and precipitation analysis 1917.1 Solubility product constant and solubility product rule 1917.1.1 Solubility 1917.1.2 Solubility product constant 1917.1.3 Conversion between solubility product and solubility 1937.1.4 Common ion effect and salt effect 1947.1.5 Rule of solubility product 1957.2 Application of solubility product rule 1967.2.1 Formation of precipitation 1967.2.2 Fractional precipitation 1987.2.3 Dissolution of precipitates 1997.2.4 Transformation of precipitation 2027.3 Precipitation titration method 2037.3.1 Overview of precipitation titration 2037.3.2 Determination of end point by precipitation titration 2047.4 Gravimetric method 2087.4.1 Overview of precipitation gravimetric analysis 2087.4.2 Factors affecting precipitation purity 2097.4.3 Selection of precipitation conditions 2107.4.4 Filtration and washing of precipitates 2117.4.5 Drying or burning of precipitates 2127.4.6 Calculation of analysis results 212Exercises 212 Chapter8 Redox Reaction Balance and Redox Titration 2148.1 The basic concept of redox reaction 2148.1.1 Oxidation number 2148.1.2 Redox reaction 2158.1.3 Redox half reaction and redox electric pairs 2178.2 Balancing redox reaction equation 2178.2.1 Oxidation number method 2178.2.2 Ion-electron method 2188.3 Galvanic cell and electrode potential 2208.3.1 Galvanic cell and redox reaction 2208.3.2 Electrode potential 2228.3.3 Theoretical calculation of electrode potential (the relationship between electromotive force and ΔrGm) 2258.4 Factors affecting electrode potential and application of electrode potential 2278.4.1 Nernst equation and its application 2278.4.2 Factors affecting electrode potential 2298.5 Element potential diagram and its application 2328.5.1 Element potential diagram 2328.5.2 Application of element potential diagrams 2328.6 Redox titration 2348.6.1 Overview 2348.6.2 Redox titration curve 2398.6.3 Redox titration indicator 2428.7 Redox titration method in common use 2448.7.1 Potassium permanganate method 2458.7.2 Potassium dichromate method 2488.7.3 Iodometry 251Exercises 255 Chapter9 Coordination Reaction Equilibrium and Coordination Titration 2619.1 Composition and nomenclature of coordination compound 2619.1.1 Composition of coordination compound 2619.1.2 Nomenclature of coordination compound 2639.2 Valence bond theory of coordination compound 2659.2.1 Valence bond theory 2659.2.2 Crystal field theory 2679.3 Coordination equilibrium 2689.3.1 Coordination equilibrium constant 2689.3.2 Movement of coordination equilibrium 2719.4 Chelate 2789.4.1 Definition of chelates 2789.4.2 Chelating agent 2789.4.3 Chelate effect 2799.5 The complexes of EDTA with metal ions and the stable 2809.5.1 EDTA dissociation equilibrium 2809.5.2 The characteristics of the chelate of EDTA and metal ions 2819.5.3 Main factors affecting the stability of EDTA complexes 2829.5.4 Conditional stability constants of EDTA complexes 2849.6 Coordination titration 2859.6.1 Coordination titration curve 2859.6.2 The condition of accurately titrating a metal 2879.6.3 Acidity range of coordination titration 2879.7 Metal indicator 2899.7.1 Principle of action of metal indicator 2899.7.2 Requirements for metal indicator 2909.7.3 Common metal indicators 2909.7.4 Selection of metal indicator 2919.7.5 Problems that should be paid attention to during the use of metal indicator 2919.8 Classification of coordination titration and elimination of interfering ions 2929.8.1 Classification of coordination titration 2929.8.2 Elimination of titration interference 2939.9 Application of coordination titration 2959.9.1 Preparation and calibration of EDTA standard solution 2959.9.2 Application examples 296Exercises 297 Chapter 10 Brief Content of Elemental Chemistry 30010.1 Halogen 30010.1.1 Overview 30010.1.2 Halogen elements 30110.1.3 Hydrogen halides and hydrohalides 30210.1.4 Halide 30310.1.5 Oxyacids and salts of halogens 30310.2 Oxygen 30510.2.1 Oxygen and ozone 30510.2.2 Hydrogen peroxide 30610.3 Nitrogen and phosphorus 30710.3.1 Nitrogen and its important compounds 30710.3.2 Important compounds of phosphorus 30910.4 Copper, silver, zinc, cadmium and mercury 31110.4.1 Important compounds of copper and silver 31210.4.2 Important compounds of zinc, cadmium and mercury 31310.5 Chromium, molybdenum and manganese 31410.5.1 Chromium and molybdenum compounds 31510.5.2 Manganese compounds 31610.6 Iron and cobalt 31710.6.1 Iron compounds 31710.6.2 Cobalt compounds 318Exercises 319 Chapter 11 Spectrophotometric method 32011.1 Selective absorption of light by substances 32011.1.1 Electromagnetic spectrum 32011.1.2 The interaction between light and matter 32111.1.3 Adsorption curve 32211.1.4 Characteristics of spectrophotometry 32311.2 Law of absorption of light 32411.2.1 Lambert-Beer’s law 32411.2.2 Molar absorptivity 32511.2.3 The reason for deviating from Lambert-Beer’s law 32611.3 Spectrophotometer 32811.4 Color reaction and selection of color conditions 33011.4.1 Selection of chromogenic reaction 33111.4.2 Selection of chromogenic conditions 33111.5 Selection of conditions for absorbance determination 33311.5.1 Selection of absorbing light range 33311.5.2 Selection of reference solution 33511.5.3 Interference and elimination methods 33511.6 Application of spectrophotometry 33611.6.1 Determination of single component 33611.6.2 Multicomponent quantitative method 33711.6.3 Differential spectrophotometry 338Exercises 339 References 342 The appendix 343


郭明,男,浙江农林大学,教 授,1996年硕士研究生毕业于中科院长春应用化学研究所,分析化学专业;2004年博士研究生毕业于浙江大学,物理化学专业(化学生物学); 2005-2007年于中国林科院林产化学工业研究所开展博士后工作,林产化工专业(生物质材料方向)。2007-2010年于浙江中医药大学开展博士后工作,药理学专业。主持并完成国家自然科学基金项目两项;主持并完成中国博士后科学基金项目一项(一等资助);主持并完成省部级科研项目4项;主持并完成厅局级科研项目3项。作为参加者参与国家、省部级项目多项。发表论文120余篇,SCI/EI收录40篇(第*一作者27篇)。授权专利41项,其中授权发明专利6项。获省科技进步三等奖一项(排序第*一)。 长期从事结构化学、仪器分析、有机化学等课程的教学任务。

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