  • ISBN:9787302628453
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:220
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787302628453 ; 978-7-302-62845-3


1.商务英语专业跨境电商方向教师写作,有很好的英语教学功底。 2.全面介绍跨境电商英语的基础知识和应用场景,每章分为warming up、listening、speaking、reading、exercises,难度适中,适合教学使用。 3.配套资源丰富,作者配套PPT、教案、习题答案、试卷等。


本书详细介绍跨境电子商务运营的操作流程,内容紧密围绕跨境电子商务平台的操作运营,系统讲解各大跨境电子商务平台的特点,以及使用英语在跨境电子商务平台进行账户注册、后台设置、选品、引流、采购和发货、订单处理、客户服务、规避常见风险等知识,并通过案例详细解读运营过程中的各种实操流程。 本书旨在帮助读者快速理解常用的跨境电子商务平台的英语术语和背景知识,并熟练掌握跨境电子商务平台的运营技巧,针对性强,方法实用,具有易学、易懂、易落地执行的特点,是跨境电子商务卖家不可或缺的英语操作用书。 本书可作为高等学校国际贸易、商务英语、电子商务等相关专业的教材,也可作为传统外贸企业职员、个人创业者以及从事跨境电子商务运营人士的参考读物。


Unit 1 Overview of Cross-border E-commerce Part A The Concept and Significance of Cross-border E-commerce Part B The Classifications of Cross-border E-commerce Part C The Main Models of Export and Import Cross-border E-commerce Part D The Status Quo and Development Trend of Cross-border E-commerce Unit 2 Main Cross-border E-commerce Platforms Part A Amazon and eBay Part B Alibaba and AliExpress Part C Wish Part D Shopee, Lazada and Other Regional Cross-border E-commerce Platforms Unit 3 Opening a Cross-border E-commerce Store Part A Preparing for Opening a Cross-border E-commerce Store Part B Registering for a Cross-border E-commerce Store Part C Launching Products on a Cross-border E-commerce Platform Unti 4 Marketing on Cross-border E-commerce Platforms Part A Concepts Related to E-commerce Part B Store Description and Product Listing Design Part C Promotion Activities Supplementary Reading Unit 5 Market Research of Cross-border E-commerce Part A Basic Principle and Logic for Product Selection in Cross-border E-commerce Part B Practical Methods of Market Research for Cross-border E-commerce Part C Data Analysis for Cross-border E-commerce Supplementary Reading Unit 6 Cross-border E-commerce Customer Service(Ⅰ) Part A An Introduction to Customer Services and Factors Affecting Customer Experience Part B Rules and Features of Cross-border E-commerce Customer Service Supplementary Reading Unit 7 Cross-border E-commerce Customer Service(Ⅱ) Part A Basic Online Communication Skills of Customer Services Part B Practices of Customer Service for B2B Part C Tips and Templates for Customer Service in Some B2C Scenarios Unit 8 Policies and Terms on Cross-border E-commerce Platform Text A Various Policies and Common Pitfalls Text B Intellectual Property Text C Appeal and Plan of Action Supplementary Reading Unit 9 Cross-border E-commerce Online Payment Text A An introduction to Dominant Online Payment Platforms Worldwide Text B Online Payment Platforms in China Supplementary Reading Unit 10 Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Text A An introduction to Logistics Services Text B Functions of Overseas Warehouses and the Way to Establish them Supplementary Reading Unit 11 Cross-border Customs Tax (VAT) and Changes in New E-commerce Regulations Text A An introduction to Customs and VAT Text B Changes in New E-commerce Regulations Supplementary Reading Unit 12 ERP and Supply Chain of Cross-border E-commerce Part A ERP Part B Supply Chain 参考文献

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