

¥50.7 (7.2折) ?
1星价 ¥50.7
2星价¥50.7 定价¥70.0
  • ISBN:9787517505846
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:196
  • 出版时间:2022-08-01
  • 条形码:9787517505846 ; 978-7-5175-0584-6


(1)依托情境。教材涵盖的训练内容均模拟海关业务现场,学生在模拟的场景中随着“业务”需要,进行沟通、交流,从而在情境的引导下做到有话可说。情境型课堂要求语料具有现场感、真实、接地气,不脱离实践。 (2)任务驱动。教材所有学习内容都基于明确的课堂任务。任务驱动型课堂要求语料本身难度要持平或稍高于学生的学习程度和学习能力,以防学生听不懂,同时也要具有一定的挑战性。 (3)输入、输出结合。教材每单元内容均围绕语言的输入和输出进行。学生通过对海关专业内容地背诵与视听完成“输入”过程,并在大量的“说”中达到输出的目的。





Unit 1 General Introduction to Customs1

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions3

Part Ⅱ Language Focus5

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice7

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen12

Part Ⅴ Assignment16

Unit 2 Customs Antismuggling19

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions21

Part Ⅱ Language Focus22

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice23

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen30

Part Ⅴ Assignment37

Unit 3 Trade Security and Facilitation39

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions41

Part Ⅱ Language Focus42

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice43

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen46

Part Ⅴ Assignment51

Unit 4 Customs Duties and Valuation53

Part ⅠWords and Expressions55

Part Ⅱ Language Focus57

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice58

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen62

Part Ⅴ Assignment67

Unit 5 Customs IPR Protection69

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions71

Part Ⅱ Language Focus71

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice73

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen78

Part Ⅴ Assignment85

Unit 6 Postclearance Audit87

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions89

Part Ⅱ Language Focus91

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice92

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen97

Part Ⅴ Assignment99

Unit 7 Entryexit Inspection and Quarantine101

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions103

Part Ⅱ Language Focus104

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice105

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen107

Part Ⅴ Assignment112

Unit 8 Customs Enforcement Practice115

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions117

Part Ⅱ Language Focus118

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice119

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen121

Part Ⅴ Assignment125

Unit 9 Risk Management127

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions129

Part Ⅱ Language Focus130

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice131

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen135

Part Ⅴ Assignment137

Unit 10 The Technology and the Future of Customs139

Part Ⅰ Words and Expressions141

Part Ⅱ Language Focus142

Part Ⅲ Speaking Practice143

Part Ⅳ Watch and Listen148

Part Ⅴ Assignment155



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